Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog about Twitter

Twitter discussions are a lot different that blackboard or in class discussions. Twitter is limited to only 140 characters so you have to choose your words wisely and be concise. You may not even be able to get your point across with that limit holding you back. Twitter is also more difficult to have a discussion involving more than one person. On Blackboard, it is relatively easy to look at each other's threads and replies but on Twitter it requires a little more work. Twitter is more geared towards one on one discussion. I feel in class discussions are the most beneficial because it is happening in real time. You are there with your classmates and you can respond to them right there which may lead to discussions of other ideas. I feel the only downside of in class discussion is that some people may be shy and may be hesitant to participate but having a discussion on the internet may be easier and you can organize your ideas before you post.

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